Relaunching Lampworking lessons
After a long time not doing any Lampworking lessons I am thrilled to start them up again! I have been having the best time on Maternity...

New team Member of HayleyGlassDesigns
I have been very quite around HayleyGlassDesigns as I had a baby Girl and been on Maternity and loving every minute! You can still buy my...
Lampworking lessons
Lampworking lessons will not be able to resume until further notices.

Have a go at making glass
Get a chance to make your own beads, in a taster session on the 5th or 23rd of August at Wolverhampton Makers Dozen Gallery. Charges...

Lampworking Lessons
Mothers day lesson discount get 10% off lessons if you book before the April 30th Use Discount Code Mum2017 email me for more details and...

Thank you, everyone that voted in the Craft and Designs Award, I am very excited to say I am a finalist, now my work will be seen by the...

We Need your Vote for the Craft and Design Award
HayleyGlassDesigns Its the last few days of voting for the craft and designs award , if you have a few minutes, then please vote for my...

Getting Ready for BCTF
The British craft Trade Fair in Harrogate is only a few short weeks away. I away look forward to this show its a great atmosphere